Lower Allston, or "L.A.," is also called North Allston.  Lower Allston is the neighborhood across the Massachusetts Turnpike from the rest of Allston.  It consists of streets north of Cambridge Street and the Pike, all the way to the Charles River.  To the west it stretches to Everett Street and includes as far east as Windom Street.  Everyone in Lower Allston has the zip code 02134.

Lower Allston is a small neighborhood that consists of a mix of working professionals, home owners, and long-term residents. Unlike the rest of Allston, Lower Allston has much fewer students. 
The neighborhood is very quite, has extremely low crime, and is an easy walk to Allston Village or Harvard Square. 

Lower Allston has close proximity to Route 2, the Mass Pike, Storrow Drive, and Soldier's Field Road. Public transportation includes the Red Line at Harvard Square, the Green Line at Packard's Corner or Harvard Street and Commonwealth Avenue in "upper Allston", and the 57, 66, 70, 71, and 86 bus connections on North Harvard and Western Avenue are about a 2-5 minute walk for everyone.


Streets In Lower Allston By Name:

 Adamson Street
 Alcott Street
 Aldie Street
 Appian Way
 Arden Street
 Athol Street
 Bagnal Street
 Bayard Street
 Bertram Street
 Brentwood Street
 Cambridge Street
 Cambridge Street
 Coolidge Road
 Easton Street


 Eric Road
 Everett Street
 Franklin Street
 Haskell Street
 Holton Street
 Hooker Street
 Hopedale Street
 Kinglsey Street
 Lincoln Street
 Mansfield Street
 Mayflower Street
 Mead Street
 Myrick Street
 North Harvard Street
 Raymond Street


 Rena Street
 Riverdale Street
 Royal Street
 Seattle Street
 Soldier's Field Road
 Travis Street
 Weitz Street
 Western Avenue
 Westford Street
 Windom Street
Colerain Street
Empire Street
Spurr Street




Businesses In Lower Allston Included in this link

Harvard Stadium

North Harvard Street

Western Avenue

66 Bus


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